My Love/Hate Relationship with NYS Politics: The Railroading of Andrew Cuomo
There are many questions that was asked to New York State Attorney General Letitia James by most Andrew Cuomo voters back in 2022 on social media. It continues to this day. These are the following questions:
“When are we going to see some justice for (Former) Gov. Andrew Cuomo, an innocent man you defamed and railroaded out of office just as Amber Heard defamed Johnny Depp?”
“When does he get his day in court? What is his restitution for your malfeasance?”
“When are you going to produce the ‘evidence’?”
Answer: Probably never if this circus keeps going on and nobody can do a damn thing about it. No matter how many times people can spin the positives, New York State politics is a complete mess all around. And continues to be a total clown show even with Kathy Hochul as Governor of this great state. I guess most of the blame comes from young, affluent voters who believe that socialism in this country, let alone the state, is a good thing. Some of it probably comes from people sitting on the sidelines watching said clown show. But this is where the majority of the blame comes into the picture.
Two years ago, Tish James did in every Coumo voter’s eyes commit total betrayal and completely railroaded Governor Cuomo out of office because she wanted his job. Her reason? All based on allegations of sexual harassment. Most people can say that their vote and that of 4 million New Yorkers was nullified without due process or public input just months before an election over claims that a sitting governor broke state & federal sexual harassment laws. While Coumo voters didn’t even vote for James in her re-election bid as AG, most people in New York City (Minus Staten Island), Westchester County, Albany and Buffalo voted for her despite her betrayal.
What did Andrew Cuomo do wrong to quit? If it was to avoid a media circus which will be affecting his children, Mother, and other family, it would be weak sauce in most people’s opinion. On the other hand, he would have been illegally impeached, as well as deprived of a pension he had worked to earn, by a corrupt hypocritical group that didn’t examine any evidence. This group had all the pieces to ruin Coumo, yet they botched it completely.
That certain corrupt hypocritical group, known as the Clubhouse Coup, led by then-State Senator Alessandra Biaggi and the socialist part of the Democratic party, conspired to put a stop to a potential Andrew Cuomo comeback, believing that they will put Cuomo voters in their place. It’s petty and vindictive to actually begin with. She, along with fellow cohorts Ron Kim, Yuh-Line Niou and other members of the socialist side of the Dems are to blame for turning NYS politics into a giant shitshow. It’s pretty obvious.
The best question that was asked was this; “Why do Alessandra Biaggi & her Socialist cabal hate democracy so much?”
The Democratic party has been taken over by college kids who think they know what’s best for the country, but they really don’t. It’s kind of mind-boggling to say the least. It’s the new millennium, younger people are taking up politics, and yet they are the ones that are steering the ship in the wrong direction. The last generation of politicians of NY are either fading away or gone. And while I may be wrong in terms of the recent Gen Z movement, this example continues to be used ad infinitum. The only reason Liberal Democrats continue to fight and support policies that work for all, it doesn’t mean that the majority of people will agree.
It’s the reality of NYS politics.
And do you know what happened next? It backfired. Biaggi lost her campaign for a Congressional seat in New York’s 17th congressional district as a primary challenger against DCCC chairman Sean Patrick Maloney. And she lost big. While her congressional pursuit was so important it meant she had to give up her State Senate seat for it. She would be replaced by former Coumo staffer Nathalia Fernandez in the State Senate. Talk about Karma. Yuh-Line Niou? Squashed like a bug by Dan Goldman for spot in the 10th Congressional District. Her spot in the Assembly was taken over by Grace Lee, a former businesswoman who ran for office in 2020 and failed. She would win her election in 2022 however. Ron Kim still has his spot in the State Assembly despite all of this, but that doesn’t excuse him for his act of betrayal.
Politicians’ jobs aren’t the place to enact personal grudges or personal vendettas. And Biaggi and company learned the hard way because Coumo voters decided to take back their party by eliminating Biaggi and her cohorts after their little Clubhouse stunt they pulled to get rid of Cuomo. Coumo voters will never forget nor forgive, and Biaggi and Niou were out of office in January.
But at the end of the day, I really can’t put the blame on the accused. Andrew Coumo did, as he always has, what he thought was best for the State of New York. Period. While I won’t say that my vote was nullified, I feel that most people who voted for Cuomo iis pissed to the highest level. I would have supported the claims from his accusers, but I feel that it isn’t credible enough to believe them. Albany County DA David Soares said it better: “All parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty.”
When I grew up, New York politics was a bit different than what I used to remember it. I was born during the Mario Coumo years when he was Governor. Hell, I put up with George Pataki for years until I registered to vote in 2005; I voted for Eliot Spitzer until he resigned due to being a total creep, and supported Andrew Cuomo for years. Now it has become insanity.
The New York state Democratic leadership should be the big focus of looking in the mirror after Biaggi and co. decided to gerrymander their way into the big Congress win for Dems, only to blow up in their faces. I’ve learned something during the past few months after the 2022 election; don’t mess with Cuomo voters, even when they are telling the truth about the former New York state Governor. Alessandra Biaggi and her merry band of cronies won’t take full responsibility for their actions. While some retained their seats in the State Legislature like Ron Kim, Biaggi would be out of the spotlight.
I kind of have this love/hate relationship with New York state politics. It is what it is. Even if things change it won’t escape the black mark on the stain of New York state politics as a whole. There are many hands with the blood of Cuomo’s political career on them; Hochul, James, Biaggi, Kim, Niou. Each with their own ambitions only to get a bit real hard. Kathy Hochul is learning the hard way but still manages to navigate her way through the criticism. Tish James is still AG, which means she has a few years until a solid challenger takes her spot.
Politics is a total bitch, isn’t it?