Raise the Winning percentage
As everyday normal life continues to be put on pause, we all must remind ourselves that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a serious issue to discuss but must take full precaution to benefit ourselves. The local news say that this is supposed to be the worst week with the Coronavirus pandemic still raging, but this would have been avoided if a majority of people should have stayed home or took full precaution like wearing masks over our faces and using hand sanitizer to combat this virus. Currently there are 561,103 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with over 41,000 people recovering from it to over 22,000 deaths from it. When you put the 63,836 cases of COVID-19 patients surviving the virus and died from it, like in all of sports, we got ourselves a 65.37% winning percentage. That may be good, but it’s not good enough.
Many people in either politics, entertainment, and sports have took the time to take to social media, encouraging those to have no fear of the virus and asking those who potentially have it to stay home. Most essential workers are out there on the front lines, from doctors and nurses to everyday grocers, they have become our inspiration to continue the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. Most government officials in recent history would have been more prepared for the worst if things like this should happen, but since the unprepared approach of current government officials with the exception of a few, the virus continues to be a problem for everyone.
Former New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin said in his book Earn The Right To Win that “the key is to understand the language of percentages, and to be able to find in it the most important tendencies.” Preparation for the worst is essential to our daily life. If we are not prepared the world will suffer the dire consequences, I have lot of faith that this will be over soon so we all can enjoy a better normal life with little to no restraints. All we need to do is to stay home and flatten the curve. Most people in the world are continuing to raise the winning percentage higher but he need for precaution is still dire.
So stay home,stay safe, stay strong, keep that winning percentage higher. We’re all in this together.